Genesis: Creation & Covenant
Genesis literally means origin or beginning. It is the first book, the beginning, of the Bible. It details both the beginnings of history and the beginnings of the people the LORD was creating for himself. In the opening chapters we learn of the creation of the world and everything in it. Though Genesis features God’s creation it also describes the corruption of this creation through sin. However, God’s purposes would not be thwarted. He promised to redeem His people and His creation through the seed of Eve who would crush the serpent and his work. (Gen 3.15). Through this seed all the nations of the earth would be blessed (Gen 12.3). Genesis is the historical development and outworking of that promise despite obstacles that seemed to stand in the way. When we arrive at the New Testament we understand this promise would ultimately be realized in the promised seed Christ Jesus. In pointing forward to the Seed, Genesis lays the groundwork for understanding the rest of Scripture and looking forward to Christ.
Watch SermonsMessy Faith
As Christ’s people we are called to live faithful lives of worship. But as Christ’s people in a fallen, broken world we often encounter real and daily struggles that are impediments, obstacles, or hurdles to a joyful pursuit of the God who has taken hold of us. In this series, Messy Faith, our aim is to address issues like grief and suffering, anxiety, relational conflict, distractions and entertainment, shame, and sexual temptation that so often seem to derail us. We will seek to uncover how the gospel addresses us and brings hope as we struggle. We pray Messy Faith will be an encouragement to you in the midst of the messiness of life.
Watch SermonsReasons: Why Christ Came
Advent is a time of celebration for the birth of Jesus but unless we understand the purpose of his coming we will not be prepared for his second coming which Advent also anticipates. During this Christmas season we will look at the REASONS for Christ’s entrance into the world by looking at Jesus’ own words recorded in the Gospels. Multiple times Jesus specifically said, I have come to…and then explained why he took on flesh. Our prayer is that as we look at the REASONS for Christ’s coming we will be further filled with joy, hope, and faith this Christmas.
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