Explaining Christianity

Every Sunday Until October 22  |  9-9:45 AM in Multi-use Room

118 Josephine Street, North Syracuse, NY 13212, USA

At Renovation Church, we believe that whatever the Lord’s going to do in the world he is going to do it through all of Christ’s people. This means we also believe that the Lord has made every one of us missionaries to those in our lives who are far from God. As missionaries, we are on a mission to share the good news; we share what Christianity is all about. But, what is Christianity? What do you think of when you hear or read that word? What do your friends and neighbors think? Being able to explain the faith is central to being a good missionary. So in this class, we will consider what Christianity is all about (Jesus and His work) and what our response to Christ and His work should be (Repentance and Faith).

Classes will cover:

  • The person of Jesus Christ and his identity.
  • Christ’s death on the cross, why he died, and what that death accomplished.
  • The resurrection of Christ.
  • What does it mean to be a Christian?
  • What does it mean to repent of sin and turn to Christ?
  • What does it mean to have faith and trust in Christ?

We look forward to seeing you there!