2025 Marriage Retreat

February 7 - 8  |  The Marriott Syracuse Downtown

Marriott Syracuse Downtown, East Onondaga Street, Syracuse, NY, USA

COST: $159/couple

Marriage can be described as journeying together towards Christ. This year’s retreat will consider the means God provides for us to do that. We will spend time exploring Scripture in the hope that we can see, embrace, and ultimately demonstrate to the world around us the beauty of the life to which Scripture calls husband and wife. Our time together will include several teaching sessions, a panel discussion, question and answer time, and, of course, the (not-so) newlywed game.

This is a shared event with Vintage Faith Church, Missio Church, Covenant Church, and other congregations from our area.

Doug Ponder will be our guest speaker for the Retreat. Doug is a teaching pastor at Remnant Church in Richmond, VA, and Academic Dean and professor of Biblical Studies at Grimke Seminary.

The general schedule is as follows:
– Friday, February 7th: 7-9PM –  includes sweet treats upon arrival
– Saturday, February 8th: 8:30AM-4PM – includes breakfast sandwiches and a hot buffet lunch

If childcare is needed, please fill out that portion of the registration form (linked below) so we can plan accordingly.

There is a special retreat rate of $189 (for the first 30 rooms!) for overnight accommodations at The Marriott Syracuse Downtown on Friday night. If you choose to stay overnight, be sure to use THIS LINK to make your reservation at the discounted rate. The link is also provided in the registration form linked below.

CLICK HERE TO REGISTER (one per couple)