Every Child Initiative | Informational Meeting
April 6 6:00 - 7:00 pm
“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” — James 1:27
EVERY CHILD INITIATIVE CNY exists to glorify God by facilitating the involvement of the people of God in foster care and adoption through educating, exhorting, and resourcing congregations to the end that they bear witness to the reign of God in Central New York and beyond. Our desire is to partner with churches and organizations in this gospel-motivated initiative to act on behalf of the vulnerable children who live in our communities and around the world.
Over the past several years, the Lord has been faithful to call many people from churches in CNY to care for vulnerable children. As people continue to step out in faith and participate in foster care and adoption, some significant needs have arisen. Foster and adoptive families are in need of resources and strong support systems. These needs present opportunities for the rest of the church to participate in helping to care for vulnerable children. Our desire is to build a wrap-around care ministry that would exist to equip and empower God’s people to come along side of adoptive and foster families through prayer, care and service.
What can you do? Join us on Sunday, April 6th at 6 PM at Vintage Faith Church for an informational meeting to hear more about the vision of Every Child Initiative and all the ways you can be involved.
See more about Every Child Initiative by CLICKING HERE.